This story follows Fred, an imaginary friend who stays with lonely children until they no longer need him; when this happens, he starts to fade before being whisked back into the sky to wait for a new friend. One day, Fred meets his dream friend, Sam. (Words by Avital Nathan)
https://app.box.com/s/l7o9wys6h8w7g933krcd1qdtsxsme5ok (Y3)
This story follows Fred, an imaginary friend who stays with lonely children until they no longer need him; when this happens, he starts to fade before being whisked back into the sky to wait for a new friend. One day, Fred meets his dream friend, Sam. (Words by Avital Nathan)
https://app.box.com/s/l7o9wys6h8w7g933krcd1qdtsxsme5ok (Y3)