Tells the story of an isolated tortoise that inhabits a local park bin. One night, when tortoise was gazing up at the night sky, he concluded that the ‘blinking candles’ in the sky must be where all the other animals are. So he hatched a plan on how he could join them. (Words by Lauren Green)
https://app.box.com/s/4rg71gwd9lb0omb40n4hw646adfcr9bx (Y2)
Tells the story of an isolated tortoise that inhabits a local park bin. One night, when tortoise was gazing up at the night sky, he concluded that the ‘blinking candles’ in the sky must be where all the other animals are. So he hatched a plan on how he could join them. (Words by Lauren Green)
https://app.box.com/s/4rg71gwd9lb0omb40n4hw646adfcr9bx (Y2)