A polar bear, who the forest animals name Leaf, drifts away from his Arctic home and finds himself in a forest...an engaging and immersive story about home and family. (Words by Ruth Ladani)
https://app.box.com/s/27gmplnjy9oal36lv5j6d9eeawvtquov (Y4)
https://padlet.com/p0077346/PictureBookPlan (Y4)
A polar bear, who the forest animals name Leaf, drifts away from his Arctic home and finds himself in a forest...an engaging and immersive story about home and family. (Words by Ruth Ladani)
https://app.box.com/s/27gmplnjy9oal36lv5j6d9eeawvtquov (Y4)
https://padlet.com/p0077346/PictureBookPlan (Y4)