When the king who develop his fear of the dark as a child, he vows to have it banned upon ascendency. Yet when the law is passed and the people subject to having no darkness at all, a rebellion ensues and the king is made to revaluate his choice. A clever, multi-layered political and social commentary that suits our climate very well. https://app.box.com/s/hpanz8iz666lf6fhzzb1zqbos7x1f9f9 (Y6)
When the king who develop his fear of the dark as a child, he vows to have it banned upon ascendency. Yet when the law is passed and the people subject to having no darkness at all, a rebellion ensues and the king is made to revaluate his choice. A clever, multi-layered political and social commentary that suits our climate very well. https://app.box.com/s/hpanz8iz666lf6fhzzb1zqbos7x1f9f9 (Y6)