An Ordinary Day in an ordinary neighbourhood soon turns into an extraordinary one. The story explores the lives of two families on one day, one family is welcoming a new baby, whilst the other is saying goodbye to a family pet. This sensitive picture book considers life, death, family bonds, and the extraordinary moments that make ordinary days so special. (Words by Sophie Snowden)
https://app.box.com/s/75xlmb1ovlqzm6cwh8i51y2w604pwfwx (Y3)
An Ordinary Day in an ordinary neighbourhood soon turns into an extraordinary one. The story explores the lives of two families on one day, one family is welcoming a new baby, whilst the other is saying goodbye to a family pet. This sensitive picture book considers life, death, family bonds, and the extraordinary moments that make ordinary days so special. (Words by Sophie Snowden)
https://app.box.com/s/75xlmb1ovlqzm6cwh8i51y2w604pwfwx (Y3)